decimal points

美 [ˈdesɪml pɔɪnts]英 [ˈdesɪml pɔɪnts]
  • n.小数点
  • decimal point的复数
decimal pointsdecimal points

decimal points


  • 1
    N-COUNT 小数点
    A decimal point is the dot in front of a decimal fraction.

  1. Take out percent sign , move decimal points two places to the left .


  2. The difference is that the number mask allows for decimal points .


  3. Accounting formats line up the currency symbols and decimal points in a column .


  4. This argument can be used with a number , which tells the formatter how many decimal points to use .


  5. Currency formats are used for general monetary values . Use Accounting formats to align decimal points in a column .


  6. Family studies and the statistics they yield are cold and precise things , parsing human behavior down to decimal points and margins of error .


  7. Because I anticipate missing decimal points in amounts for this vendor and method , the script inserts them if necessary .


  8. Frequency source finally choose the decimal points a VCO frequency and phase lock loop , again through the two times frequency output reached the final index signal .


  9. By contrast , the Federal Reserve will either maintain the present level of interest rates for a long time , or even cut it as the jobless rate edges up a few further decimal points .
